Vijay TV Christmas celebration will be done with the movie The Jungle Book at 11.00 AM, especially for kids and the popular Tamil channel Jaya TV will be telecast the movie Darling 2 on its evening slot. Zee Tamil TV Christmas Movie Film will be Desingu Raja, Desingu Raja Starred by Vimal as Idhayakani, Bindu Madhavi as Thamarai, Soori as Suriya, Singampuli as Koushik, Ravi Mariya as Chitappa and the movie will be telecast at morning in the day of X-Mas. Robo Shankar as Shankar, Sharath as Kamal, Uday Mahesh as Madhan, Reshmi Menon as Anjali & G M Kumar as Arunachalam plays crucial roles in the movie Maya. The stars of the movie did a splendid job in the movie which is just glitters. Maya Film features Nayanthara as Apsara Arjun aka Maya Mathews, Aari as Vasanth aka Arjun, Amzath Khan as Ram, Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli as Swathi.